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Did you know your eyes reveal your body's health secrets?


I can help YOU learn the secrets your BODY is trying to tell you through an eye analysis!

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of health information out there?


All the conflicting chatter...

eat carbs, don't eat carbs

fasting is good for you, don't skip meals

dairy is good for you, no don't eat dairy


Taking charge of your own health can be intimidating, the amount of information available is overwhelming and hard to sort out.


An eye analysis is a quick and painless examination of the colored part of the eye, known as the "iris". Kinda like how a lab would conduct an urinalysis, or a blood test, except an eye analysis is without the needles and the mess.  The iridologist will use a magnifying glass and read the patterns in the eye to uncover the secrets your body is trying to tell you.


This is an invaluable tool for your health journey which aims at restoring the strength and vitality of the organs and tissues of the body through nutrition.


Let's work together to become the best version of YOU!


Confused by conflicting health information?

You are not alone. I hear you. I have been where you are.

I can help.

Before discovering the secrets in my eyes...

I was feeling...

  • tired... low to no energy.

  • foggy... not able to focus.

  • forgetful... I could barely find the words to make a complete sentence.

I was eating...

  • processed foods.

  • a ton of empty calories.

  • added sugars.

In elementary school we were taught that mixing two colors like Blue + Yellow = Green...

Why were my blue eyes turning green?


I found the answers with an eye analysis!

During an eye analysis, the iridologist will look at the different colors and their placements in the eye. These markings can reflect changes with the body's capacity to deal with the toxic load a person places on it. White in the color part of the eye can represent inflammation, pain and acid build up.

Over a period of time, if the body does not get the rest and appropriate nourishment, it will get tired. The white in the eye will become YELLOW. The body will be more sluggish. Positive changes are needed to help the body get back on a healthy track.

One year after discovering the secrets my body was trying to tell me...

I was applying mascara in the mirror and I thought to myself....

My eyes look blue...really blue!

So... I took a picture with my phone camera. The same camera, in the same room as I did on the previous picture a year ago. I was amazed to see the comparison, they absolutely are a beautiful blue!


 I was able to make a huge difference in my overall health by correcting the imbalances in my body with the information from an eye analysis.

I am feeling...

  • more energy, I feel rested when I wake up in the  morning. 

  • more focused, less brain fog.

  • like my younger self.

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I am...

  • eating whole nutritious foods.

  • supplementing and enhancing nutritional deficiencies that are unique to me.

  • consuming less added sugar.


How the Phenomenon of Iridology Works

Iridology is the study of the patterns and markings in the color part of the eye known as the iris. Iridology has been practiced since the recording of history. For hundreds of years, various Iridologist have studied the eye's patterns and markings and correlated them to physical strengths and weaknesses in the body. The iris receives and stores information about the body, similar to how a secretary takes notes at a meeting.


Iridology is a health screening tool that requires a "peek" into your eyes. The iris makes an imprint of information from all areas of the body and a skilled Iridologist will be able to read these signals from your body and will suggest ways to help you to optimal health through lifestyle measures, nutrition and complimentary therapies. Similar to other health screening tools, like a blood analysis, urinalysis and saliva test, iridology determines strengths and weaknesses in the body.


I would be remiss if I didn't mention the work of people like Dr. Bernard Jenson, who personally saw thousands of patients and recorded hundreds and thousands of pieces of data about iris traits. His extensive research in iridology and nutrition eventually earned him the title "Father of Iridology" in the US. His wide selection of books, charts and teachings continue to be passed on today. I practiced with his chart, books and style of teaching at the Dr. Lillian Ronzio School of Holistic Health and reference the charts in my eye readings with clients today. I am forever grateful for my studies at the Dr. Lillian Ronzio School of Holistic Health with Dr. Ronzio and her daughter, Gina Ronzio, N.D. and the wealth of knowledge and passion they share with their students. 

three amigos

Richard S, Williams, Clinical Herbalist & Iridologist, myself and Dr. Lillian Ronzio, N.D.

These days we are bombarded with contradictory content about what healthy means and what to eat.

Let's navigate the noise together!

An eye analysis is a quick and painless examination of the colored part of the eye known as the "iris". This is an invaluable tool for healing which aims at restoring the strength and vitality of the organs and tissues of the body.

Who doesn't love free stuff? Please take advantage of these fun guides that I created for you!

Self Eye Analysis.png

At Home Self Analysis

Follow these simple steps to find out what your eyes say about YOU!

Body System Questionnaire

When you finished reviewing the list of symptoms, total all the numbers you have circled in each column. The higher the number, the more likely it is that the body system in that column needs nutritional support.

Beige Boho Course Creator Workbook Document.png

Dry Brush

Learn what you need to know to start dry brushing today. Use this technique to detoxify, exfoliate and stimulate the skin.

Everyone needs help and a skilled iridologist can help you finally take charge of your health!




Find the foods that are optimal for YOU and YOUR health.




I can help you customize the health tools needed specific to your body!

Hi Friends!

Let's get to know each other!

I laugh at my own jokes, have a never ending thirst for knowledge and enjoy life with all things ending in -ing! You can find me biking, hiking, kayaking, in the classroom learning, or networking with like minded people.

I started training in the healing modalities in 2019. I found that my true calling is to empower people to feel their best, to live from the inside out and become the best version they can possibly be, much in the same way I did through lifestyle measures, nutrition and soul care.

I am a certified Iridologist and studied at the Dr. Lillian Ronzio School of Holistic Health. I received certifications in Medicinal Herbology, Intuitive Development, Reiki I and Reflexology while working towards my Holistic Health Practitioners Program Certification.  I also completed the National Nutrition Certification Program and Life Coach Certification.

I studied Business at Wilkes University where I completed my Bachelors of Business Administration Degree.

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If you are not 100 % satisfied with the workbooks or the bonuses in 7 days,  I will offer you a full refund for any reason.


This means you can enroll today and you don't even have to decide if you are in for good! Take the full seven days to explore the material and peruse the workbooks and check the bonuses. Then make a decision using the information you have rather than the information you don't. Ebook sales are final.

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PO Box 596

Smithton, PA 15479

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